Thursday 5 April 2018

The demon of resentment

Over the last few years, I've developed a modest following through my videos, which tend to be positive and motivational in nature. This might lead you to think that despite my cerebral palsy, I'm an emotionally well-balanced guy who has his life well in hand. In that assumption, you would be gravely mistaken. I battle a number of personal demons on a daily basis, the chief of which is resentment.
I resent the fact that I can never have the privacy or independence of a normal person. I resent the fact that almost every choice in my life is contingent upon whether someone else is willing and able to help me. The darkest part of me regularly resents my own friends and even those I see in passing for being given lives comparatively free of struggle.
It is in dealing with this emotion that I've gained some understanding of humanity's dark side. I now understand how easily hatred and bitterness possesses the hearts of teenagers who walk into schools and gun down their classmates. I get why - even in the face of numerous catastrophic failures which killed millions - violent communist revolution still appeals to so many people.
No matter how civilised we like to believe we are today, the same potential for brutal rage which drove Cain to slay Abel in the book of Genesis still lies dormant at the root of our collective consciousness. Disregard it at your peril

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